We hang our beef for 28 days to ensure tenderness and for the flavour to really come through.

We buy full carcasses of all meats we sell ensuring traceability and that every cut of meat is available to our customer.
All sausages are made by ourselves on the premises.
We never have or will buy from anyone else.
Unlike most sausages, we put the real ingredients into our products whereas most manufacturers use dehydrated packet seasonings and add water.
We also only use fresh natural skins for our sausages
and we exceed the legal minimum meat content of 65% with approximately 80% meat,
the remaining being made up of breadcrumbs, seasonings and extra ingredients such as red onions, sage, garlic, cider, tomato puree and fresh herbs.
For Ernest W. Edge and Son the 'humble sausage' is a gourmet product.
Our sausages only contain the finest shoulder and belly of pork.
They are lovely and lean but with just enough fat to make them succulent.
You will not see any fat in your grill tray after cooking them!
We offer a wide range of burgers including:
- pork and apple
- beef
- minted lamb
- venison, redcurrant and rosemary
All processed foods such as sausages, burgers and meatballs are made by ourselves using the finest ingredients and never bought in.